
Showing posts from July, 2019

Get rid of the clutter

At least twice a year, we are encouraged to declutter our homes. As the seasons changes, we get rid of old summer/spring clothes that we don't need anymore, either because they are old or we've outgrown them, pack away the left over clothes and make way for our autumn/winter clothes and vice versa. We do this with the rest of the house as well by bringing out the big blankets and heaters, for those that don't have air-cons and throwing away all the other things that clutter the house, such as old bills. I am a big believer of doing the same for your mind. There are people who do this once a day by taking some quiet time to reflect on the day that has passed and take that opportunity to prepare for the next day. This is at times taken for granted but it can prove to be quite imperative in leading a balanced and focused life. Before my life was cluttered with with work, family, television, social media, etc. I used to meditate every evening firstly, by reading the Word of G