Get rid of the clutter

At least twice a year, we are encouraged to declutter our homes. As the seasons changes, we get rid of old summer/spring clothes that we don't need anymore, either because they are old or we've outgrown them, pack away the left over clothes and make way for our autumn/winter clothes and vice versa. We do this with the rest of the house as well by bringing out the big blankets and heaters, for those that don't have air-cons and throwing away all the other things that clutter the house, such as old bills.

I am a big believer of doing the same for your mind. There are people who do this once a day by taking some quiet time to reflect on the day that has passed and take that opportunity to prepare for the next day. This is at times taken for granted but it can prove to be quite imperative in leading a balanced and focused life. Before my life was cluttered with with work, family, television, social media, etc. I used to meditate every evening firstly, by reading the Word of God and then by quieting my mind and sitting still for about an hour. This used to help me a lot in dealing with anxiety and the doubts that filled my mind. My life was so much more organised and I felt more in control. For some people, writing down their thoughts in a diary of sorts helps them with decluttering their minds and putting things into perspective. This also worked for me once upon a time until my diary was discovered and read.

We also find people who declutter their bodies by using different detox methods trying to keep their systems functioning at optimum levels. I've been told that if done right and is combined with the right diet and exercise, this method of decluttering can help you lose significant weight. Some use the method of a liquid or spontaneous fast to firstly flush out their system from all toxins before embarking on a nutritious, balance diet.

Another very important form of decluttering that can help you improve your life significantly is done by evaluating your relationships whether with friends, family or with your significant other. This is needed because as we grow and mature, we have different needs than we had when we were younger. Sometimes, we find that we are entertaining habits that we've outgrown all to impress or accommodate a friend. Whereas, being honest with your friend could help the friendship grow or cutting ties with that friend if a compromise is not reached might open you up to meeting new people who would be perfect in accompanying to the next phase of your life.

I've stated the following different forms of getting rid of clutter in your life:

  1. Declutter your home - seasonal.
  2. Declutter your mind - daily.
  3. Declutter your body - as required.
  4. Declutter your life - as required.
I've found that these forms of decluttering have impacted my life greatly and they have helped with putting things, people, relationships and goals into perspective. I still slack in some aspects and at times, completely forget that they need to be done but if done right, decluttering can help improve the quality of your life, health and mental fitness.



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