
Showing posts from March, 2021

Passion into Profit: Tenacity

I have a strong passion for getting back up after being knocked down and thriving, being better than when you fell. I faced a challenge in 2016 that set my family and I back. After crying and praying, I knew that I had to get up and do something to get my family out of that pit, so I began exploring different business ventures and as the saying goes in  Deuteronomy 28:12,   "God blesses the works of your hands." I sold make up and tie-happy socks packages until a friend recognised my ability to edit and proofread. I took that seriously and started researching everything about it. Then, I put myself out there, marketing, and soon enough, I was working with 3 publishing houses and a reoccurring client from a prominent, world-recognised non-profit organisation. What I'm trying to say is that, sometimes, you just have to start with what you have and allow God to do the rest. To prove my point, I am featuring a tenacious business woman, who has fought against all odds to star

The Book of Esther

This International Women’s Day on the 8 th of March 2021, I was inspired again by the Book of Esther in the Bible. Esther was ripped away from her parents by violence when she was a little girl and raised by her uncle after her parents died. She adored her uncle and despite what life threw at her, she continued reading the Word of God, praising God and seeing life turning out positively for herself. She even had dreams and a crush, as shown in the movie about her life. Living with her uncle wasn’t easy either, as she had to change her name from Hadessah to Esther to fit in the place where she stayed. But she still loved and cared for others and taught kids about God. She was later, ripped away again from her uncle as the King was looking for another queen after being embarrassed  by Queen Vashti and was advised by his counsel to basically, throw her out. But because God always has a plan for everyone’s life, Esther was favoured by the King’s eunuch, Hagai who gave her preferential tre