The Book of Esther

This International Women’s Day on the 8th of March 2021, I was inspired again by the Book of Esther in the Bible. Esther was ripped away from her parents by violence when she was a little girl and raised by her uncle after her parents died. She adored her uncle and despite what life threw at her, she continued reading the Word of God, praising God and seeing life turning out positively for herself. She even had dreams and a crush, as shown in the movie about her life. Living with her uncle wasn’t easy either, as she had to change her name from Hadessah to Esther to fit in the place where she stayed. But she still loved and cared for others and taught kids about God. She was later, ripped away again from her uncle as the King was looking for another queen after being embarrassed  by Queen Vashti and was advised by his counsel to basically, throw her out. But because God always has a plan for everyone’s life, Esther was favoured by the King’s eunuch, Hagai who gave her preferential treatment and later by the King over all the other virgins. After marrying her rich king and was now finally well taken care of, she faced an enemy that goes so far back into her history, to a time even before her parents were even born. This man, Haman, sought revenge on Esther’s people. Ultimately, Esther was placed by God in the palace to fight the biggest fight of her life and to save the lives of her people. Even though it wasn’t easy, she did!

I know of so many women who have fought the good fight for the sake of their families and broke down generational curses and barriers so that their children and children’s children would have a better quality of life. Some of these women never said a word about their battles or what they all faced. They chose to strive for hope where there seemed to no hope at all. I still see women like that at the forefront of marches, businesses, entertainment, politics, etc. These women are forging footprints on new paths for the next generation to follow. Women at the forefront of the battle against this pandemic and the effects it’s having on the world. Some are very vocal and celebrated but others are quiet and in prayer, standing as the strength behind those who need to carry their armour and face this enemy. Whatever your part is in the fight, we see you, we celebrate you and we want to become you. There are women fighting battles of infertility, abuse, self-doubt, marital problems, financial problems, etc. as some enemies aren’t as evident as others, but we all have faced one or another in our lives.

With that said, I want to encourage you to do one thing, GET UP. In the midst of these overwhelming times, you may feel weighed down and hopeless, but if there’s still breath in you, God is not done with you and He is still with you. He’s waiting on you to make a move in order to direct your steps. So, take your moment and have that panic attack or that one day of not doing anything, not talking to anyone or even getting out of bed. But when the sun rises again, make sure that you are ready to hear what God is saying, get up and do it! Also, remember to be empathetic with one another as women, supportive and caring towards each other, for no one knows better than one woman, what another woman might be going through.

 Happy International Women’s Month! 





  1. So well written thank to sesi Maps. I guess there has never been a better time to be a woman. From time immemorial women have been the tokens that seal society together, that make something out of nothing and thay ensure that we step foward. I'm particularly inspired by women domineering in fields of science, engineering and technology, law and accounting. It only comes to show that women can do anything. Wo-mandla. Happy international women's day 💐

    1. That is the gift that we have been given by these courageous women. We now have role models available everywhere, breaking boundaries and limitations that were both put on us y society and by ourselves.

  2. Amen. The Courage and Boldness of a young woman from a disadvantaged family saved the nation of the Jews from Annihilation, God can use anyone no matter what. May women know that they are the Esthers of their families, communities and Nations.

    1. When you have nothing to lose and faith in God, nothing is impossible.


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