
Showing posts from January, 2023


  Waiting isn't a very strong point of mine. I struggle a lot with waiting in line, so you can imagine what my life is like. I play so many scenarios in my mind when I wait that I end up being agitated and anxious to get things done and get them done now! I like to plan and do so thoroughly, so that when the time comes, I'm well prepared and things move swiftly. But, life doesn't always play ball.  There's a song by  Juanita Bynum and Jonathan Butler  called " I don't mind waiting" . It's based on the scripture  Isaiah 40:31 that says, " But they that wait upon the  Lord  shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint." When I heard that song I absolutely disagreed and immediately switched it off. I felt like I had waited on God long enough and He hadn't done anything for me in long time.  It turns out God was always speaking to me, I just chose t

Returning From War

HAPPY 2020 FREE! I'm back!  Thank you to all of you who have been so kind as to motivate me to come back and to even start a vlog. Good news - my YouTube channel is in progress and will be launching soon. So, a lot has happened and I am ready now to tell you all about it, in the hope that it'll help and inspire you.  In 2020, I lost my mother and thought that it would be easy to deal with seeing that I am a fully grown adult who is capable of taking care of herself and her own children, but I was wrong. It was just as painful losing my mother as it was losing my father 20 years prior, as a teenager. A part of me was gone and I would never see someone I knew my whole life ever again. Someone who gave me my identity and helped shape who I am. It was the toughest thing I had ever dealt with.  Shortly  after that, we found out that we were pregnant. Initially, it was a shock as she was not planned. I had resolved it in my heart that I would be a mom to boys and that at least my mom