
Showing posts from February, 2023

Not Everybody Can Go

The topic of today was inspired by Egypt Sherrod. She said these words as she was closing off a podcast that she hosts with her husband called Marriage and Money. Those words hit me like a ton of bricks. For years, I cried over friendships that ended that I wanted so badly to hold on to and then God gave me another "AHA moment". In order to get to the next level, there are some things, habits and/or people that you need distance yourself from or that God will distance you from, in order to get you where He wants you to be. Sometimes, we are so pre-occupied with those things, habits and/or people that we don't hear God's voice nudging us along the path that He has set us on. What this reveals is that isolation doesn't equal rejection. Sometimes, it actually equals elevation . I like how my friend Nolwandle so eloquently put it: I absolutely love how maturely she puts it. All that being said, I realised that people who have left my life were not necessarily rejectin

Healing as a form of self-love

From birth, along with memories and happy moments, we collect bruises and scars that more often than not, affect the way we choose to live our lives. These emotional injuries evoke different types of responses to different situations and circumstances. Healing and introspecting, I believe is the main thing that can turn generational scars that have plagued families, into generational blessings and powerful deliverance can take place within families, breaking the bondage of carrying the heaviness that comes with those scars and bruises.  What am I talking about? Well, my best example is always myself. Growing up, my mother used to tell us stories that revealed a lot about the scars that she carried. My mother could tell you the exact date when something happened that hurt her deeply and that would be an indication to me that even though she made a choice to move on, she hadn't really healed. As I got older, I noticed that I did the same. To this day, I can tell you exact situation