Not Everybody Can Go

The topic of today was inspired by Egypt Sherrod. She said these words as she was closing off a podcast that she hosts with her husband called Marriage and Money. Those words hit me like a ton of bricks. For years, I cried over friendships that ended that I wanted so badly to hold on to and then God gave me another "AHA moment". In order to get to the next level, there are some things, habits and/or people that you need distance yourself from or that God will distance you from, in order to get you where He wants you to be. Sometimes, we are so pre-occupied with those things, habits and/or people that we don't hear God's voice nudging us along the path that He has set us on.

What this reveals is that isolation doesn't equal rejection. Sometimes, it actually equals elevation . I like how my friend Nolwandle so eloquently put it:

I absolutely love how maturely she puts it. All that being said, I realised that people who have left my life were not necessarily rejecting me, they just evolved. In some cases, I evolved and moved slowly away from certain people and that's okay. There's no animosity nor is there any beef. 

There are so many examples of this in the Bible. Examples of God removing people to elevate them. Here are a few:

- Jesus was led by the Holy Spirit into the wilderness, where He fasted for 40 days and 40 nights before beginning His ministry. - Luke 4

- Moses fled from the luxury of Egypt and lived in Midian before God spoke to him and asked him to go and free the children of Israel. - Exodus 2

- David was isolated from his family by being sent to be a shepherd, while all his brothers were soldiers, where God gave him the power to defeat a lion and a bear. This prepared him for the fight against Goliath, which eventually led to him being king. - 1 Samuel 17:34-37

- Joseph was sold into slavery by his brothers and ultimately rescued his people. - Genesis 37:12-36

All these examples show that you may feel alone but you are never alone. God is with you and He has a plan, always, to get you out and bring you into victory. He will always use whatever situation you end up finding yourself in, so never lose hope.



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