Being Grateful

Hi Loved Ones!

It is that time again! The new and revised Epiphanies of Life 30-Day Gratitude Journal is coming soon. I received this journal from God in 2023 to create it as a product after the realisation that God had started this work in me in 2020 during Covid. I was gifted a journal, which is one of my favourite things to receive and I had to make a decision what to write in that journal. I have a lot of journals that are for different things. But this one, I clearly heard the prompting of the Holy Spirit saying, "What are you grateful for?" I started jotting it down, making a prayer request and intentionally wrote one request. I was amazed at how many things I had to be grateful for when I felt so down and depressed a minute ago. I had renewed hope in God and in knowing that everything was going to work out. 

Over the years, as an Editor, a lot of people asked why I don't write books myself. I started exploring that space but I didn't want to write just for the sake of writing. I wanted God to prompt me to write something that would benefit others. On the day that I wrote the journal, God moved me to write down 30 scriptures that helped me navigate depressive, traumatic and fearful and anxious moments of my life. The scripture started pouring out. Even if I didn't know the exact scripture, I knew the words and found the scripture afterwards. I was left amazed and thanked the Lord after realising that not one moment of my life was a waste. God had been there for all of it.

This is how the journal was created. I often refer back to the many journals that came after that initial journal that I started and noticed how many of the prayer requests have now become part of my gratitude list and it helped me realise that even in your season of waiting, being grateful will make the wait easier. During the time of turmoil and temptation, being grateful will help you endure "the valley of the shadow of death" and see the Light that is walking with you as you endure the storm. I am so excited to present this masterpiece to you and pray that it will give you new faith in God and in His plan, will and purpose for your life. 

Mapula Vilakazi


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