
Showing posts from November, 2020

2020 - The Year That Was

Most of us started this year on a very high note with great expectations and big plans, but those were halted due to the pandemic. However, we didn't let that get us down. Now, with the looming threat of a second wave, we are encouraged to be more aware, careful and cautious as we go into the festive season. I guess this year's festive season will be a little bit different.  Normally, during this time of year, a lot of people experience anxiety, I did too in the past but  this year, I started my own gratitude challenge to help me deal with that, by reminding myself of God's promises and blessings over my life every day for the last 65 days of 2020. It has really helped me deal with some difficult situations from a place of victory and gratitude rather then helplessness and panic. I specify what I am grateful for and accompany it with scripture, which helps in making time to read the Word of God daily. That is very important in empowering yourself with positivity and encoura

For New Moms

As a new mom, you’ve probably been through the most traumatic event of your life as birthing can be quite daunting, especially if everything goes against your birthing plan and everything you’re researched and prepared for. So, to help all the moms-to-be and new moms out there I spoke to 3 mom friends of mine who have recently had new-born babies, all of them were second born babies and they were gracious enough to take time away from their bundles of joy to answer the following questions: 1. What do you wish you knew about having a second baby? - Mom 1 I've been trying to think about what I didn't know prior to falling pregnant. But, I think I knew that life was going to change drastically. Especially, because I was planning to stay with my second baby. My first baby stays with his grandmother and that gave me the freedom to do everything and anything I wanted. I also knew that chances of me being sick during pregnancy were high, because with my first one, I had pre-eclampsia.

Personal Financial Account-ability

Until recently, I haven’t really paid attention to my finances. I’ve always lived with the belief that one day my big financial break would come along, and I would be set for life. Like a lottery win or that one big business deal that just changes your life for the better. But then, I got a big reality check. A reminder that financial freedom is not a destination but a journey. One that many of us think will sort itself out, but it doesn’t work like that. You have to take accountability and responsibility for your finances from the minute you start earning an income. My mom has now been on pension for almost 10 years and she worked for over 35 years in order to be able to afford to support herself now. My big break may come but even if it doesn’t, I want to be prepared and ready for my old age so that, like my mom, I don’t burden my kids with black tax and financial demands when they should be setting themselves up for their future. I watched a video on Youtube where Nicollette Mashi

Why wait? Just keep going!

We tend to waste time waiting for the perfect time before we do something and by the time we wake up, so much time has passed and we still haven't experienced the right time to achieve or go for what we really want. We have basically been existing for a moment that may never come. At the beginning of this year Covid hit our shores (South Africa) and we went into lockdown. A lot of people thought it would be just for a while and we would be able to get back to normal. We are now on Level 1 of lockdown and it doesn't seem like things will change or go back to normal  anytime soon . A few of us, myself included, found ourselves waiting for the time when we can go out again and have fun but weeks of lockdown turned into months and soon reality hit home that we are in this Covid fight for the long haul. So, eventually, the realisation came that we need to make the best of the time we have together with our families. That's when a lot of people started making videos and posting t