2020 - The Year That Was

Most of us started this year on a very high note with great expectations and big plans, but those were halted due to the pandemic. However, we didn't let that get us down. Now, with the looming threat of a second wave, we are encouraged to be more aware, careful and cautious as we go into the festive season. I guess this year's festive season will be a little bit different. Normally, during this time of year, a lot of people experience anxiety, I did too in the past but this year, I started my own gratitude challenge to help me deal with that, by reminding myself of God's promises and blessings over my life every day for the last 65 days of 2020. It has really helped me deal with some difficult situations from a place of victory and gratitude rather then helplessness and panic. I specify what I am grateful for and accompany it with scripture, which helps in making time to read the Word of God daily. That is very important in empowering yourself with positivity and encouragement during this draining time of the year.

As we are about to enter into last month of the year, we've gone through a lot as the entire world and human race. Some more than others. But, we keep going and looking forward to the new year that is about to come. Instead of dwelling in the gloom and doom of 2020 and all the negativity that's being broadcast and discussed, I want to encourage you to find the positives in every moment. Realise that we have only been knocked down but we are not out. So, take some time to recuperate both mentally and emotionally, and allow yourself time to go back to the drawing board, reminding yourself of the vision that God has given you to achieve. 

I hope you have a productive rest of the year. Till we meet again in 2021, God willing. Remember, the will of God will not take you where the grace of God will not protect you.



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