Why wait? Just keep going!

We tend to waste time waiting for the perfect time before we do something and by the time we wake up, so much time has passed and we still haven't experienced the right time to achieve or go for what we really want. We have basically been existing for a moment that may never come. At the beginning of this year Covid hit our shores (South Africa) and we went into lockdown. A lot of people thought it would be just for a while and we would be able to get back to normal. We are now on Level 1 of lockdown and it doesn't seem like things will change or go back to normal anytime soon. A few of us, myself included, found ourselves waiting for the time when we can go out again and have fun but weeks of lockdown turned into months and soon reality hit home that we are in this Covid fight for the long haul. So, eventually, the realisation came that we need to make the best of the time we have together with our families. That's when a lot of people started making videos and posting them online, while others explored their cooking abilities and the rest played games, exercised and enjoyed a fun time with their families. 

This also pertains to our goals and dreams. Many of us, at the beginning of the year, created our vision boards and jotted down our plans to achieve those visions. We also declared this year Vision 2020 in anticipation of success and growth, as we do every year. Then, Covid hit a lot of homes and affected a lot of people, killing the moral and dampening our plans. But, when you think about it, Vision 2020 means clarity, focus and to me, light where there was darkness, i.e. epiphanies. We thought this year would be like any other year, but instead, we were forced to spend time with families and ourselves, reflecting on what's really important. Even the government took notice of some of the needs of our communities, that they took for granted, for the greater good of the country. To keep ourselves and families safe, for 3 months, we were forced to look at ourselves with threats of a looming death from a virus that we've never encountered before and truly examine what is really important. Therefore, while we were waiting for what we thought would be a short time, we actually were being prepared to enter into a new way of existence and we shifted from how we looked and did things to how we are now doing them. 

All this is to encourage you not to wait for an opportunity to present itself, prepare for it. Don't wait for someone to come and rescue you, find a way to make yourself visible to those who have the capability of rescuing you and only if it's completely necessary, otherwise find your own way out. Start that business or side hustle or new hobby. Just go for it! Do your research, ask someone (even on social media who is doing a similar thing) to give you pointers and go for it! Stop waiting for things to change, when you already have the power to change them.

I, recently, came across a video by Steve Harvey, where he was telling the audience that he lived in his car for 3 years, been married 3 times and has lost all of his possessions twice. But, he still showed up to shows and performances because he knew that things would change for him. He didn't idly wait for something to happen. When that big break came, it found him in the field putting in the work. He also advised the audience to do 2 things. 

1.You need to ask for what you want. Speak to God and voice your needs and wants. The Bible says, "You desire but do not have, so you kill. You covet but you cannot get what you want, so you quarrel and fight. You do not have because you do not ask God." in James 2 verse 4 (NKJV). 

2. Write down 300 things that you'd like to achieve or have in your life. Habakkuk 2:2 (KNJV) says, "Then the Lord answered me and said, Write the vision And make it plain on tablets, That he may run who reads it." Steve said that you have to write down 300 dreams and goals so that you allow yourself the room to really envision the life you'd love to live. If you'd like a holiday home or to give money to your siblings, write it all down. Then a year later, take out your list and see how many of those things you would've achieved or God would've blessed you with by then. 

3. One last this he said was to always keep your vision board with you. He has his on his phone. Pictures of places he wants to go and things he wants to achieve in life. Every time he picks up his phone he remembers why he's doing what he's doing. FOCUS!

Regardless of your situation or even Covid, when you have breath you have the opportunity to live your best life. Jesus said in John 10 verse 10, "The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly." Don't let your opportunity to live that life be stolen from you by circumstances. 



  1. Thank you for the epiphany!

    The biggest problem is that we think we have time. Covid19 was a gentle reminder of how precious our time on earth is.

  2. Jeanette Rambuda4 November 2020 at 02:08

    Powerful ...

  3. Hi ses Maps, I think the most enjoyable read thus far. Thats is for me anyway. This blog has encouraged me to put actions into my plans, prayers, goals and dreams. We also have to prepare for life post-covid and redeem the time. I think it's a screw it let's do it kind of year. A year of yes kind of year. A Nike just do it kind of year. Let's keep challenging ourselves as we strive for better versions of us❤️

    1. Go for it babes... We've had enough time to adjust and accept the reality that we are in right now. Thank you for your comments, always. 😍

  4. We tend to procrastinate on things. Thank you so much for the words of encouragement Ms.😘


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