Wives, submit to your husbands!

Once you have chosen a husband and have made a commitment and a covenant with him in front of God, you follow God's instructions on marriage and one of those instructions is to submit to your husband. I struggled with this for a while because I didn't understand the fullness of the kind of submission that is required and also because of internal issues that I had to deal with in order to fully submit to God and, in turn, my chosen husband. I enquired of the Lord and received the following epiphany. I hope it helps you in your walk of marriage.

Cover his heart. The woman was created from the rib of a man, which is covering the man's heart. Without the covering, the heart is exposed. Without the covering his posture is distorted. Without the covering, his head that carries his kingship is compromised. The heart represents his vulnerabilities. A man hardly expresses his feelings, the heart contains them and the ribs protect the heart.

He can be a king when you submit under him as his queen. You help hold his heart in place and cover it and protect it. You help get his posture upright and allow him to walk with integrity and dignity. You help him carry the heaviness that comes with wearing the crown. While you stand under him and cover his most vulnerable place, he is covering your whole being and you know that he has your back. There will be no place exposed. He will ensure that all of you is taken care of. 

Do what society deems foolish and watch God elevate you and your household beyond your wildest dreams.

Be his help. You are closer to him than anyone else and are exposed to his short comings. God does that to allow you a close view at the things he needs help with. As his helper, it is your duty to help repair, rebuild, restructure and rearrange what is out of place and/or broken. You are called to love his innermost part. Turn to God and allow the Holy Spirit to usher you into your rightful place as your husband's helper.

Learn to forgive quickly.
Learn to love fully.
Learn to offer grace, even when you feel that it is undeserved.
Learn to manoeuvre and adjust as needed.
Learn to follow while helping to make life altering decisions with your husband.

Learn to do all of that, because the purpose is greater than your comfort. The purpose and will of God is greater than what others think. God's purpose is more urgent than finding the right time to obey Him. Be the example of what God had ordained as a Godly marriage. Let His glory shine through your union and your family. Allow your children to witness how God expresses love within a marriage.

This is all done under the guidance and direction of God, and does not support or promote abuse in any way, shape or form. Stay at the feet of Christ and He will be your light.



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