
Showing posts from February, 2019

Journey of Reflection

Take a moment to look back. With this post, I want to encourage you to look back and see how far you’ve come from your starting point. This will motivate you to look forward with hope and courage, knowing that you can still do so much more and achieve what you’ve set out to achieve. At times, I look back at my past pictures and think, I wish I had that body but then I’m reminded that the reasons behind me being that way were all wrong. I was doing things to please others and to fit a certain image that I thought the world would expect. Now, I am completely fine knowing that I am the way I am for a reason and because of the things I went through in the past. I accept my past and I am now, more than ever, even more determined to make my future authentically and organically what I want it to be, without any interference or distractions from others. While writing this blog I went back to my first post to remind myself of why I started blogging and what pushed me to start. I


What does faith mean to you?  Well, to me it is the only thing that has held my hand through some of the most difficult and confusing times of my life. Don’t get me wrong, there were people who cared around me but their words of comfort just got me angry at times, because they couldn’t possibly understand my point of view, no matter how hard they tried to put themselves in my shoes. Having faith and believing that there’s Jesus, who knows the whole picture and who has plans for me to get out of a difficult place safely, made me have hope. Today, I choose to share my faith with you through this blog, with the hope that it will help you through some of your most difficult times and help you realise that even when you feel alone, you are NEVER alone. God is ALWAYS with you. Please do not confuse hope with wishing. You can wish for things to change, but if you don’t make a conscious decision of working and contributing towards that change, then things will always stay the way they are

Are you multi-dating this Valentine’s Day?

Recently, there has been a buzz around multi-dating as one of the millennial celebrities has been seen around town getting cozy with multiple guys. This has caused multiple debates on whether it is right or wrong. A lot of people are all for it as they state that it helps the multi-dater realise what it is that they like and dislike in the opposite sex before settling down. This is the same concept that is seen in the popular reality shows, The Bachelor and The Bachelorette . One person dating multiple people at the same time and they end up choosing the one person that they hope to spend the rest of their lives with. The debate that I’ve noticed is mainly between old school and new school people. Old school type of dating is when you meet a person, you like them, you spend time with them and decided whether or not they are the one you’d like to spend the rest of your life with. New school is completely different. They want options. Now, I am completely old school solely because

Fantasy vs. Reality – What do I want in a man?

Often, we enter into a relationship with a long list of must haves and the "don’t even think about it list", and most times than not, we end up living happily ever after ( I love fairy tales, just so you know... ) with a completely different person than we thought we would. This can be bad as well, but I like the good side of it. I’ve asked a lot of my friends and colleagues as to who they ended up marrying and most of them said they found completely new things to admire in their husbands/wives that melted their hearts and whisked them off to the sunset. Most of the lists that I got were the typical tall, dark, handsome, reserved and a romantic guy with a sense of humour, and for the guys the main things were beauty with brains and must be kind-hearted. So then, I ask the question what is love?   Is it a list of things that would make you see someone in a specific light? Is it what you get or give in a relationship? There isn’t a guidebook on love that we can all go through