Are you multi-dating this Valentine’s Day?

Recently, there has been a buzz around multi-dating as one of the millennial celebrities has been seen around town getting cozy with multiple guys. This has caused multiple debates on whether it is right or wrong. A lot of people are all for it as they state that it helps the multi-dater realise what it is that they like and dislike in the opposite sex before settling down. This is the same concept that is seen in the popular reality shows, The Bachelor and The Bachelorette. One person dating multiple people at the same time and they end up choosing the one person that they hope to spend the rest of their lives with. The debate that I’ve noticed is mainly between old school and new school people. Old school type of dating is when you meet a person, you like them, you spend time with them and decided whether or not they are the one you’d like to spend the rest of your life with. New school is completely different. They want options.

Now, I am completely old school solely because it worked for my parents and it has been working for me, thus far. I believe in giving your attention completely to one person to ensure that you have done everything in your power to give your relationship a chance. I also do not have the energy to spend on multiple dates, dressing up and pretending to be interested when really, I’m preoccupied with thoughts of my previous date. But that’s just me and I am making judgements based on my research alone. I know that when you divide your attention among up to 25 people (like on the shows), you end up possibly neglecting someone who would possibly be perfect for you, while concentrating on the person who is doing the most for your attention with the intention of beating the rest of the guys/girls only, whereas you’re there to find lover.

There are advantages and disadvantages to multi-dating that one needs to consider before deciding to multi-date.

  • Commitment becomes a thoroughly explored decision in the relationship.
  • Dealing with different personalities will help you determine what you’re willing to deal with and accept in a relationship and where you draw the line.
  • Fast way of finding the one you want to commit to.

  •  Subconsciously, neglecting one person as you are drawn to another.
  • The exhaustion of dividing your attention among multiple people and making sure to remember which conversation you had with which person.
  • If sexually active with your dates, STIs and STDs.
  • Trouble adjusting to monogamy once you’ve picked your perfect one.
  • Heightened trust issues in the relationship, as seen with one of the married couple from The Bachelor.

The young female celebrity who is multi-dating was also seen speaking to a married man and smiling at him, and social media attacked her for it saying that she was openly flirting with him. In my opinion, she was not but because she has been seen on multiple dates, she is now labelled as a woman who is capable of doing that.

So, with all of that said, what are your thoughts on multi-dating? Would you go for it and explore that journey? Or do you prefer the old way of dating?
Looking forward to your thoughts and remember to click on the follow button for notifications of new blog posts.



  1. Multi dating is waste of time and money.

  2. Wow. This is a fresh angle. If I were to pick a side, I would say old school dating because you don't have to deal with the admin of so many different people, personalities and characters. I wouldn't attempt going on such a platform especially as the person looking for a potential suiter because I don't like attention and I really don't like making decisions.I do think they are very brave the people who go on these shows hey?

    1. Hi Dineo,

      It really is for the brave of heart..

      Kind regards,
      Mapula V.

  3. Love this, it’s different. A refreshing view of things....

  4. Thank you Nkanyiso.

    Kind regards,
    Mapula V.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. It can be tricky sometimes whether you prefer multi-dating or not because it can depend upon your past experience in relationships, so just follow your heart and see what best will come out in the dating game.

    1. Hi Angel,

      It really is according to personal experience and preference.

      Kind regards,
      Mapula V.

  7. Hey Mapula

    Finally got time to read your blog, interesting topics (i’ve only read 2).

    On this topic of multi dating I wouldn’t even call it that, it’s called dating period. I think people have a distorted understanding of what dating is. Dating naturally is going on dates with different people until you find the one that holds your interest, then you focus on that one person (that’s called being exclusive) then from there it becomes a relationship. It became distorted when people started having sexual intercourse while dating different people, this is where the problem started. The intention of dating was to meet and get to know a number of people, develop friendships and then start being exclusive. I believe if we can go back to the basics, we would get it right.

    1. Hi Phumela,

      Such an interesting comment. This is why it's so important to make things clear from the beginning, especially having set your mind right before starting to date.

      Thank you for you words.



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