
What does faith mean to you? 

Well, to me it is the only thing that has held my hand through some of the most difficult and confusing times of my life. Don’t get me wrong, there were people who cared around me but their words of comfort just got me angry at times, because they couldn’t possibly understand my point of view, no matter how hard they tried to put themselves in my shoes. Having faith and believing that there’s Jesus, who knows the whole picture and who has plans for me to get out of a difficult place safely, made me have hope. Today, I choose to share my faith with you through this blog, with the hope that it will help you through some of your most difficult times and help you realise that even when you feel alone, you are NEVER alone. God is ALWAYS with you.

Please do not confuse hope with wishing. You can wish for things to change, but if you don’t make a conscious decision of working and contributing towards that change, then things will always stay the way they are. Hope, on the other hand, is believing that things will change and living as though they already have, that way you make moves towards what you hope for. I’m hoping to encourage you to look back at your vision board and evaluate on what you have accomplished so far and what you still want to achieve. If you haven’t done much, know that there’s still time.

I’ve spoken to a few people on FAITH and here are responses from those who could humour me: (I appreciate it guys!)

God-fearing IT Consultant

Q: What made you a believer?
A: I’ve always been a believer but a believer with no understanding. I followed procedure, prayed on Sunday and listened to the pastor preach, without understanding. I became a believer with understanding when I asked God to open a door so I can just have my foot into my preferred career industry and He surprised me by opening the whole door for me to put both my feet firmly into that industry. It then occurred to me that He is a listener and that all I need to do is BELIEVE. He will make it happen.

Q: How has your faith helped you in your life?
A: In so many ways. It’s made me more spiritually aware of the gifts that God has given me. The power of those gifts. The impact of the gifts. It’s opened me up to looking at a situation with spiritual eyes before concluding it with my physical/human conclusion. Simple example, as I pray for doors to be open, I can go there knock and knock, but I must also put my faith in God knowing He knows the outcome and that if the door I knocked on is meant for me, He shall open it otherwise, He has a BIGGER door for me.

Q: How do you express and share your faith with the world?
A: By sharing messages on my social platforms, stating my opinion, without disregarding others or imposing onto others, about my beliefs, and being open minded to listening to others. We all have different forms of understanding and beliefs. There is no belief or religion better than any other. We all praise God.

Author, Speaker, Life Coach

Q: What made you a believer?
A: I wanted to try something new, something I’ve never tried before. I heard people and friends talking about salvation and being born again and,     because I was and still am a Christian, but I didn’t understand what the difference was between a saved and a non-saved Christian, so I decided to get saved so that I may know the taste of both worlds.

Q: How has your faith helped you in your life?
A: I have achieved a lot through faith. Most of what I have is what I read God wanted for me, so I knew that if I believe it’s mine, then it will be. If I didn’t understand or know what God has in store for me, I wouldn’t have accomplished what I have today.

Q: How do you express and share your faith with the world?
A: In my speaking platform, I speak a lot about a journey that I have embarked on with God and the people who knew me before will know that there has been a different shift in my life and it can only be God.

Faith works differently for different people, but it offers the same thing, HOPE!

Thank you for reading. Please share your thoughts in the comments section and contact us at, if you have additional information that you require. Also, remember to click on the follow button to get notified on future posts.



  1. Hi sesi Mapula

    Thank you for the interesting read. Throught provoking as well as worthy of an introspection. Well there is a Sotho hymn that says "Ha le mpotsa tshepo yaka ke tla re ke Jeso. Ke lapetswe ho mong waka ha hae ke ha heso. Any discussion around faith for me personally has to be about Jesus and the ultimate sacrifice that he has made for me. My faith has kept me through the harderst and darkest periods of my life. When I thought I could not live beyond certain events in my life. When I had died a little bit inside my faith in Christ helped me to say this too shall pass and that I know my redeemer lives. My faith also helped me to build images in my mind of a better life a greater life. A life without pain and dispair. As the scriptures say Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not yet seen. So with my eye of faith I envision a happy life, full of joy and fulfillment. So whether or not I have accomplished all that I have set out to achieve, my faith remains an anchor through life's oceans💜❤💙. I really enjoyed sharing my experience

    1. Hi Dineo,

      Thank you so much for sharing and for being consistent in your comments and in following this blog. I absolutely can relate with you when you say that your faith has helped you even when you had died a little bit. My faith has pulled me out of the darkest corner of my life, where I felt trapped and help captive by depression and anxiety. But with the hope of things I had not yet seen, I am here sharing my thoughts and life on this blog.

      Kind regards,
      Mapula V.


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