Journey of Reflection

Take a moment to look back.

With this post, I want to encourage you to look back and see how far you’ve come from your starting point. This will motivate you to look forward with hope and courage, knowing that you can still do so much more and achieve what you’ve set out to achieve. At times, I look back at my past pictures and think, I wish I had that body but then I’m reminded that the reasons behind me being that way were all wrong. I was doing things to please others and to fit a certain image that I thought the world would expect. Now, I am completely fine knowing that I am the way I am for a reason and because of the things I went through in the past. I accept my past and I am now, more than ever, even more determined to make my future authentically and organically what I want it to be, without any interference or distractions from others.

While writing this blog I went back to my first post to remind myself of why I started blogging and what pushed me to start. I was reminded of the excitement I had when posting my very first published blog and the cherry on the top is that it was well-received. I am reminded of my very first blog that bombed out even before people knew it existed, because of self-doubt and just not being ready to share with the world as I was still going through what I have now overcome.

Remember the 10 year challenge? I used it to reflect on me.

I was actually inspired to write this blog because of the anniversary celebration of my spiritual parents that happened this Sunday. They have been together for 33 years. That’s as old as I am. They took time to share the different experiences that they’ve had in their relationship with the church and one thing stood out for me. That is, maturing and learning to adapt with the growth of your relationship. So, in these final days of the month of love, I urge you to take a look at the love you have for yourself, God and others and evaluate how far you have come. That will not only help you appreciate yourself and your relationships but also help you find value in yourself and your relationships.

Reflection is quite an eye-opener to the things we usually take for granted, thinking that they will either sort themselves out or heal on their own. But, once you look back and find that those wounds are still open or those issues you had are still there, then you can, from a better stand point, start to peel away the layers of the temporary soothing mechanisms that you’ve placed upon them and through a series of epiphanies, start your healing process or even start walking on the true path of your calling.

There are ways to get help with this, if necessary, and one of the ways is counselling. I’ve personally been counselled by a psychologist, by a pastor and life coaches. All methods gave me different benefits but they all positively contributed to the person writing this blog today.

I wish you the best on your journey of reflection and may the wounds and wrong beliefs that have held you back be revealed and broken for your and the world’s greater good.

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  1. Thank you sesi Mapula for such deep insights. I love deep conversations-I'm a total addict.

    Well when it comes to reflections I tend to look at my life in two time periods. Namely the long history as far back as the time I was a child and was mortified of dentist and the near history which will be the time after I left home to pursue my university education. Within the context of my long history I remember being very shielded and being oblivious to a lot of things that were happening around me. My biggest worry was visits to the dentist and minor things like that. I don't have manu regrets from that period. Fastfoward to university days I now realize that it was a period for making some tough decisions about my life but how do you ask a 17 year old to make a decision that will carve the next 10 20 years of their lives? Nonetheless I have tried my level best. Now in my immediate state of mind, I have been enlightened to some ugly truths about life. Like, life is not a clear cut straight path. There are many twists and turns to it and what works for one person may not neccesarrily work for another. In essence life is not one size fits all. I have decided to give up trying to be a people pleaser. It is draining and people have unrealistic expectations of us and they set the bar too high. I have therefore decided to prioritize my peace and my happiness. Also looking back at my life until last year I was unquestionably happy and content. Pretty optimistic and I am happy now but with a touch of saddness that will dissapear with time.

    Being that as it may, I have considered counselling through a psychologist but I keep telling myself that I'll be okay which might not be the best idea. And with my background of always having been such a happy go lucky kind of person I find it hard to open up about my hurts and pains. Congratulations on the Spiritual parents celebrating 33 years of marriage, such a beautiful milestone showing that we have people who have valued marriage.

    Thank you again for an amazing blog. Looking foward to the next one

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. This is so true,It is easy to give up unless you remember what you have already given.
    The investment already made is always greater than the challenges,so it is always wise to look back
    and be reminded of the reasons why you started in the first place.


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