Position Yourself

Where you are, is very important for where you’re going. At times, we get frustrated because we feel stuck and stagnant, like there’s no progress, whereas other people are finding success and making big leaps in their lives. That may be due to many reasons from your side and the progressing person’s side, but once you take account of where you are and become honest about how you got there, you will start to see solutions for the future rather than being stuck in the mindset of being surrounded by problems.

Solutions provide hope and a way forward. A way to get yourself out of difficult situations that you never thought you’d find yourself in. Remember though, finding yourself is exactly why you are in that situation. Once you uncover your true self and become honest about who you are, that is when the situation will start to shift and change towards your benefit.
While you wait for the progress and the change to come, you need to prepare yourself. Prepare yourself for your dreams coming true and invest in improving your abilities and knowledge for where you see yourself going. That way, once the opportunity arises for you to step up, you will find yourself well prepared to take on whatever new things that the opportunity brings and not losing yourself in the process because you will have already learned about what is right and wrong in your eyes.

In everything and while you’re going through the valley, remember that all things come to an end so that they make way for new things. You are meant to GO THROUGH, not dwell or die in the valley. Therefore, take up all that belongs to you, have faith and look towards the brightness that awaits you on the other side.

Mapula V.


  1. Hi Sesi Mapula
    Thank you for the relatable posts as usual. I can always apply them to my life.

    I think we should always strive to become the ultimate best versions of ourselves. We want to reach higher and explore all avenues of ourselves. I have picked up a slogan that says "who dares wins" and that is very true for a lot of us. We have to dare to go in full pursuit of our dreams. We have to dare to think we deserve that promotion, or business or material posessions and academic qualifications. But also we have to dare to put in the work, to network our products to meet up with the people who hold the key to the next door in our pursuit of our destinies. We have to relentlessly participate in the manifestation of our own blessings. And we have to do all we can to break the stagnation in our lives.It's not enough to just wait for our dreams to materialize and fall on our laps on a silver platter.


    1. Hi Dineo,

      I appreciate your constant participation and support.

      Cheers :)

  2. Thank you for the encouragement.I enjoy reading your pieces

    1. Thank you Thabang. You encourage me to keep going.



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