
Showing posts from September, 2020

Suddenly Gone.

It’s the day before the last day of the month and it feels like we were celebrating a cold first day of spring just yesterday. Sometimes, that’s what it feels like when you lose someone you loved. It feels like they were just here, healthy and strong and the next minute they are gone and that can leave wounds that can be very hard to heal or that may never really heal. A loss of life can bring many questions and your last conversation with the deceased will become significant as you try to figure things out. I recently lost someone who was becoming a good friend. Looking back, our last conversation, was quite significant to both our lives. I thought it was the beginning of something amazing, but God knew it was the healing and closure needed for the end. Experiencing this loss felt quite strange to me as I had never had such an encounter. But,  I finally, understood how some families might be feeling because of Covid. One day, their families or friends are fine and in a matter of days

Your heritage. Your legacy.

Earlier this year, I read the book of Judges in the Bible and realised that for generations, the children of Israel would obey the Lord, depending on who their ruler  was. The one generation would erect a monument or place of worship for the Lord and obey Him, and the next generation would, almost always for 40 years, go rogue by tearing down the tabernacle of the Lord and adopting whatever belief, culture and/or tradition that the people of the land in which they dwelt were praticising. God would get angry, step back from them and send them an enemy that would remind them to trust in the Lord again. Only then would they turn back to God and He would elect a leader to rescue them through Him and bring them back closer to Him. This is the legacy of the children of Israel in the book of Judges. Knowing their history of slavery and dominance, it's not so hard to understand why they needed to always be lead and directed towards God. They were oppressed for over 400 years and were told

White Privilege - Male Privilege

Yesterday, my friends and I hosted one of our good friend's birthday at a prominent restaurant to celebrate her life and show her some love. It was an awesome time. But, during our celebration a man came over and did something we found very strange and very intrusive, especially during this time of Covid. We all told him off and he was very nonchalant about. Whereas, we were very uncomfortable and quite frankly pissed off by his actions. Mind you, this is the first time in a year that I've been out with my friends, away from mommy hood and wife hood. So, I was anxiously looking forward to it but that's a story for another post. After reading all about GBV and some of the seemingly random rapes and killings of women, I started taking account of my surroundings. I realised that it was closing time, most of the restaurant staff had left and most of the customers were men. Naturally, there were some who hit on my friends and some who just stared from a distance. True to our nat

Freedom of Forgiveness

I’m having such a hard time writing this. This is my third try. Recently, I received a book submission for editing and proofreading on forgiveness and it started my chain of thinking. Just to clarify, I am also an editor and proof reader with my company called Immaculate Media . Anyway, I started to think about my journey with forgiveness. How unforgiveness held me in a prison for so long that I couldn’t find my voice or who I was anymore. I was angry at everyone. If you were part of my life at some point, I probably was or maybe even still am angry at you. I used to write down my feelings and destroy the paper to deal with forgiving people who didn’t even ask for forgiveness, but for a long time, I was also very angry with God. Imagine that! How dare I get angry with the Creator of the universe, the awesome, omnipotent God. But sometimes, you can’t help it. I thought, “How can He not save me from this or deliver me from that? He knew the pain that this would cause?” Until one day, a f

It's a new season!

  It is the season to bloom! Spring time is always fun time! A time when nature starts to show signs of life again. It’s a time when we are surrounded by the sweet smell of nature coming alive again after a long season of dead coldness. It is a time of sunshine and socialising. When everyone shows off their “summer bodies” that were created in winter. But, it’s also a time of reflection and purging. When ones season ends and a new one begins, we have the opportunity of looking back at the past and putting away things that came with that season and taking out things suited for the new season. We puts away or gives away our winter clothes and exchange them for warmer spring clothes. Spring is when most people come out of their winter hibernation and walk into the warmness of life. It is at this time when you will find a lot of life coaches sharing their 21-day challenges to improving your life and fitness coaches begin their 21-day fitness and health programs. Everyone starts preparing t