It's a new season!


It is the season to bloom! Spring time is always fun time! A time when nature starts to show signs of life again. It’s a time when we are surrounded by the sweet smell of nature coming alive again after a long season of dead coldness. It is a time of sunshine and socialising. When everyone shows off their “summer bodies” that were created in winter. But, it’s also a time of reflection and purging. When ones season ends and a new one begins, we have the opportunity of looking back at the past and putting away things that came with that season and taking out things suited for the new season. We puts away or gives away our winter clothes and exchange them for warmer spring clothes. Spring is when most people come out of their winter hibernation and walk into the warmness of life. It is at this time when you will find a lot of life coaches sharing their 21-day challenges to improving your life and fitness coaches begin their 21-day fitness and health programs. Everyone starts preparing themselves for the rest of the year and quite possibly, for the coming season of summer.

For me, September is a very special month. It’s my birth month! The beginning of a new year in my life. I get to reflect on the year that passed and dream about the year to come. I do this remembering the actual goals I've set and seeing how far I’ve come or fallen behind to determine and how much further I need to go. I do this remembering that the Bible says, “Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us, to Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever. Amen.” in Ephesians 3:20-21. This tells me that I can think and imagine something, anything and God can make it possible for me to achieve but He can also do so much better than anything I could ever dream of. So, my dreams and visions are simple things in the eyes of God and He has better things planned for me. I believe that God wants to give you more than you need, He wants to give you so much, that you will never want for anything in your life. That is my understanding of abundant life.

While reflecting, as I enter this new season, I notice a pattern in my life. I noticed a regression in a particular area of my life and found it weird that it seemed to be happening every year around this time. I am currently working to break that cycle. So, using this time of reflection has actually helped me notice a pattern that I needed to do away with in order to find growth and progress in my life. And now, more than ever, I am determined to accomplish and also go beyond what I think I could achieve but dream magical dreams that in my own power I would never be able to achieve.

I want to encourage you today to take a look back and spring clean your vision board and some of the goals that you have set at the beginning of the year. Take another fresh look at them and see if you still want to achieve them or if you can dream bigger. Allow yourself to go to that place where you is absurd to even dream that big and know that God can, He wants to and He will give you more than that. Also, take the time to notice the good and bad things that come with this season and do away with the bad by replacing it with the good that is better suited for this season.


Happy Spring!



  1. Thank you for this.. Reminder that I must revisit and review my vision board... Thank you again

    1. You are very welcome and I hope that you get a chance to revive those dreams you had.


  2. It's that season again where everything start to blossom.Thanks girl for keeping us posted🙌

  3. Yes please... Bloom where you are planted.


  4. It's time to shine babe, let's declutter.


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