Thriving in Technology

I posed a question to some of my frequent readers asking them to let me know what they would love to read more about on the blog and one of the questions that were submitted was on excelling in IT as a woman. Being in IT myself and struggling with finding growth, I took the challenge to find willing participants who would help me answer this question in realistic and practical ways and so, I approached one of my bosses. Her name is Anthenia Phuku and she is an IT Executive at Liquid Telecom, South Africa. She started her career as an Oracle Database Administrator in 1998 and has since grown her career, making strides of success ever since. Here are some of her views on growing your career in IT, especially when you are a woman.

What drew you to IT? What got you interested in pursuing a career in technology?
I wanted something that honored my dynamic personality, where change was the order of the day. IT incorporates constant positive change and innovation. 

What expectations did you have when starting your career in IT and were they met?
I had absolutely no expectations. I only wanted to learn as much as I could and add value. Yes, my expectations were met.

What key moves did you make that have allowed you to make your way up the corporate ladder?
I had a mentor from the beginning of my career. This is what made the difference for me. I also invested in my personal development, regardless of whether the company I working for was supported me or not.

What advise would you give to someone starting out in the technology sector?
- Invest in yourself, even if it means that you have to pay for things yourself. 
- Get a mentor, someone you will be able to add value to their lives and who can also add value to yours. It's a two way street. 
- Believe in yourself! I cannot stress this enough. I find that most of us women suffer from lack of self-belief and this hinders how far we can go in the corporate world. 
- Create a support structure for yourself. This is what will keep you going when the going gets tough. Ensure that the people in your support structure are from different backgrounds from you.

How important is mentorship in this industry? What do you look for in a mentee? What should a mentee look for in a mentor?
As stated in the previous question, having a mentor is important. What I found has moved the needle for me is having a career coach. This goes beyond mentorship and it helps move you out of your comfort zone! I personally prefer having a coach with industry experience.

Technology is always changing and evolving, how do you keep yourself relevant? What tips do you have for re-inventing yourself in this industry?
This industry is vast. There are seminars, closed circles, books, podcasts, etc. Find your tribe within this industry and ensure that you add value to it. Be clear on where you are going and look out for opportunities that are aligned to this. Be courageous and put yourself out, volunteer to try out new projects or technologies. That will help you learn.

How did you navigate your way up the corporate ladder? What challenges did you face while climbing up the ladder and how did you overcome them?
I learnt quite early on in my career that sticking to a company in which I came in as a junior did not help my growth. There was always unconscious bias to my  skills and potential. I was always deemed as talented but going nowhere. So, I chose to go seek opportunities out of my company. I knew from the very beginning of my career that I wanted to run an IT outfit. So, I consciously sought out opportunities that gave me a breadth of experience to allow me to do just that. I defined my authentic voice and used this as a radar for decision making. This helped me choose my battles wisely.

How do you ensure that you are respected as a woman in a position of authority  and in a male dominated industry?
I claim my space. I don't wait for it to be given to me. I speak up and voice my opinions. I assert myself when my boundaries are dishonored. That usually sends the message that I have a right just as anyone else to have a seat at the table. 

As a woman in this industry, I've faced a different set of challenges as opposed to my male counterparts. What advise would you give to all the women who find it difficult to climb up the corporate ladder in this industry?
Do not be afraid to be your authentic self. I know this sounds like a cliché, but a lot of women lose their authenticity and femininity in the pursuit of climbing the corporate ladder. You cannot fail by being who you are.

Information Technology is a very demanding industry. How do you find a balance between your personal and professional life?
I consciously make time  for myself. I communicate my boundaries to ensure that people are aware that I take them seriously.

Lastly, please share your words of advice with all the women in the technology industry during this pandemic.
Take care of yourself and your loved ones. It's so much easier to get another job than to get your health back! 

I know I've leaned a whole lot from Anthenia's responses and I plan on taking each one and utilising all of her advise. I hope it helps you as well, regardless of which industry you are in. Here's to success and growth.



  1. Thank you so much for this interview, this has helped in many ways especially being in the Technology industry myself, its so difficult to prove or rather to be noticed of your "worth" as a woman but I take a lot from her she couldn't put it any better, thank Mrs. V for the person you are to us with your Blog, ahi we are being spoiled shame.

    1. Thank you dear. I aim to please. I actually speak on issues that affect me so writing abut them educates me as well on how to overcome them. Keep reading, keep enjoying yourself.

  2. Wow what an interesting topic and remarkable women wish I had met her in person....thank you

    1. Thank you for reading. She has quite an enchanting personality.

  3. Thank you Anthenia and Mapula for this

  4. I'm inspired, thank you so much.


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