
Being Grateful

Hi Loved Ones! It is that time again! The new and revised Epiphanies of Life 30-Day Gratitude Journal is coming soon. I received this journal from God in 2023 to create it as a product after the realisation that God had started this work in me in 2020 during Covid. I was gifted a journal, which is one of my favourite things to receive and I had to make a decision what to write in that journal. I have a lot of journals that are for different things. But this one, I clearly heard the prompting of the Holy Spirit saying, "What are you grateful for?" I started jotting it down, making a prayer request and intentionally wrote one request. I was amazed at how many things I had to be grateful for when I felt so down and depressed a minute ago. I had renewed hope in God and in knowing that everything was going to work out.  Over the years, as an Editor, a lot of people asked why I don't write books myself. I started exploring that space but I didn't want to write just for the

Wives, submit to your husbands!

Once you have chosen a husband and have made a commitment and a covenant with him in front of God, you follow God's instructions on marriage and one of those instructions is to submit to your husband. I struggled with this for a while because I didn't understand the fullness of the kind of submission that is required and also because of internal issues that I had to deal with in order to fully submit to God and, in turn, my chosen husband. I enquired of the Lord and received the following epiphany. I hope it helps you in your walk of marriage. Cover his heart. The woman was created from the rib of a man, which is covering the man's heart. Without the covering, the heart is exposed. Without the covering his posture is distorted. Without the covering, his head that carries his kingship is compromised. The heart represents his vulnerabilities. A man hardly expresses his feelings, the heart contains them and the ribs protect the heart. He can be a king when you submit under him

A Friend That Sticks Closer Than A Brother

Acts 11:16 AMPC‬ "Then I recalled the declaration of the Lord, how He said, John indeed baptised with water, but you shall be baptised with (be placed in, introduced into) the Holy Spirit." Baptised with water means that we are submerged into and are completely taken over by water. Baptised with the Holy Spirit means that we are submerged into and are completely taken over by the Holy Spirit. There is no part of our existence that is outside of the Spirit of God. Scripture states that the Lord will never leave you nor forsake you. meaning that everything happens with Him and through Him. Therefore, we have to realise and accept in our minds just as we did in our spirits, that the Holy Spirit is part of who we are. There is no compromising that. Everything we do, feel, experience and say also affects Him. When compromise and negotiate God's will for the sake of being accepted by others or for whatever other reason we may give ourselves, we grieve the One closest to us. The

Not Everybody Can Go

The topic of today was inspired by Egypt Sherrod. She said these words as she was closing off a podcast that she hosts with her husband called Marriage and Money. Those words hit me like a ton of bricks. For years, I cried over friendships that ended that I wanted so badly to hold on to and then God gave me another "AHA moment". In order to get to the next level, there are some things, habits and/or people that you need distance yourself from or that God will distance you from, in order to get you where He wants you to be. Sometimes, we are so pre-occupied with those things, habits and/or people that we don't hear God's voice nudging us along the path that He has set us on. What this reveals is that isolation doesn't equal rejection. Sometimes, it actually equals elevation . I like how my friend Nolwandle so eloquently put it: I absolutely love how maturely she puts it. All that being said, I realised that people who have left my life were not necessarily rejectin

Healing as a form of self-love

From birth, along with memories and happy moments, we collect bruises and scars that more often than not, affect the way we choose to live our lives. These emotional injuries evoke different types of responses to different situations and circumstances. Healing and introspecting, I believe is the main thing that can turn generational scars that have plagued families, into generational blessings and powerful deliverance can take place within families, breaking the bondage of carrying the heaviness that comes with those scars and bruises.  What am I talking about? Well, my best example is always myself. Growing up, my mother used to tell us stories that revealed a lot about the scars that she carried. My mother could tell you the exact date when something happened that hurt her deeply and that would be an indication to me that even though she made a choice to move on, she hadn't really healed. As I got older, I noticed that I did the same. To this day, I can tell you exact situation


  Waiting isn't a very strong point of mine. I struggle a lot with waiting in line, so you can imagine what my life is like. I play so many scenarios in my mind when I wait that I end up being agitated and anxious to get things done and get them done now! I like to plan and do so thoroughly, so that when the time comes, I'm well prepared and things move swiftly. But, life doesn't always play ball.  There's a song by  Juanita Bynum and Jonathan Butler  called " I don't mind waiting" . It's based on the scripture  Isaiah 40:31 that says, " But they that wait upon the  Lord  shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint." When I heard that song I absolutely disagreed and immediately switched it off. I felt like I had waited on God long enough and He hadn't done anything for me in long time.  It turns out God was always speaking to me, I just chose t

Returning From War

HAPPY 2020 FREE! I'm back!  Thank you to all of you who have been so kind as to motivate me to come back and to even start a vlog. Good news - my YouTube channel is in progress and will be launching soon. So, a lot has happened and I am ready now to tell you all about it, in the hope that it'll help and inspire you.  In 2020, I lost my mother and thought that it would be easy to deal with seeing that I am a fully grown adult who is capable of taking care of herself and her own children, but I was wrong. It was just as painful losing my mother as it was losing my father 20 years prior, as a teenager. A part of me was gone and I would never see someone I knew my whole life ever again. Someone who gave me my identity and helped shape who I am. It was the toughest thing I had ever dealt with.  Shortly  after that, we found out that we were pregnant. Initially, it was a shock as she was not planned. I had resolved it in my heart that I would be a mom to boys and that at least my mom