Playing Church

Recently, there have been so many controversies and scandals around churches and seeing that we just celebrated, as Christians, the resurrection of our Lord and Saviour, even at the wake of the sad news of the bombing of a church on Easter Sunday, I thought it best to write something about the church. South Africa has witnessed and read about so many events and allegations of what Pastors are doing to and with their congregation that many have chosen to sit at home and not attend church. This is so sad to me because church is supposed to be a safe place of fellowship and edification, a place where you get counselling on pressing matters and issues of life, and where you hear of the Good News of Christ. Instead, we are inundated with Pastors molesting children, feeding their congregation snakes and inedible fluids, allegedly resurrecting and healing people in some basement or promising people that in exchange for a certain amount of money, they will receive a blessing from God. That is not church.

I am no expert and have had my fair share of church hoping before settling down, with my entire family, at a church where we feel is our spiritual home. The church, like many things in life, is not perfect but I choose to do my part towards making it better or more functional for others. When speaking to most people on what made them settle down at a church and to fully commit to it, they will tell you it was because of a spiritual connection that they had with the church. Now, for me it was hard making that connection without knowing the word of God first. I was attending a church in my childhood and I just did not understand their teachings, I went to the Bible and read about Jesus, the God that they were preaching and there was one thing that they were saying that I felt contradicted with what the Word was saying. I then asked one of the elders in the church about it and her explanation just didn’t sit well with me. And so, in every church that I went to after that, I made sure to ask the same question until I found a church that gave me the answer that I was searching for. I have since changed churches 3 times, not because there was necessarily something wrong with the church but because as I grew older I had different needs that my previous churches did not fulfill. So, I would advise every believer to have a foundation of the Word of God and a personal relationship with Christ before allowing anyone else to dictate what that is.

Also, know that as you participate and move within the church, you will uncover things that you may not find appealing or people that you may clash with but that should not be the cause of you moving from your church and your anointing within that church. Trust me, there will be things that rub you the wrong way but the foundation of your faith should be your relationship with God and your continuous reading of the word of God, so that you can put some things forward in prayer or find the wisdom to deal with certain people or even change things within yourself for the betterment of the mission of the church.

In the end, your reason for going to church will determine the experiences that you will have at the church. If you are a blessing seeking person then you will go to churches that might end up taking advantage of you and making you do unimaginable things for the sake of a blessing. Rather, search for God and know Him for yourself first and then look for Him in the church. And remember that Jesus never made a single person in the Bible pay for the miracle that He performed for them.



  1. Hi Sesi Maps

    Surely interesting read. We love church and ideally we would love a perfect church but in my little life I have grown to understand that such does not exist. Nonetheless I do believe the word of God should take prevalence to the church which one goes to. I have also learnt that the church is the Lord's church and we are all His people. With that being said I do believe that we as church people should be able to draw the line and never partake in things like eating a snake or grass or other questionable things

    1. Hi D,

      As always, thank you for your support. You are definitely right, God's word should take center stage.


  2. I guess I never based my church journey on the right decision, thank you for opening my eyes, bye saying you need to find God first before the church.
    I did my church finding the other way round, I am those who base it up n how they sing... N instead of looking for God, I guess my focus was on something else...
    Church is the only place where we don't get a salary, but yet is the only a place eziswana ubhlungu, n always struggling for power, yet asigholi...

    1. Hi,

      I am glad to have shown you a different perspective. Once, we change our way of looking at the church, we should be able to accommodate others and not fight for insignificant things when there's a bigger picture at play.


  3. Growing up,church has always been a much attend every Sunday kinda thing,but with ageing I have learnt that it's all about that personal relationship with God and it must come 1st before fellowship with fellow Christians.

    1. Hi,

      Thank you for that. I also grew up attending whichever church my family was attending at that time but I soon realised that I need to decide for myself in order to fully commit in my walk of faith.


  4. Hi Mapula. Thank you for writing about this topic...It also saddens me to see a lot of our people being taken advantage of all in the name of Faith and Religion. I wish all can read your blog.

    Similar to your story, I have also changed a lot of churches over the years as i felt they didn't resonate with me. I even went as far as exploring other religions. My take away from my experiences is that my spiritual relationship with God or the Higher being is more important than belonging to an institution. We all hear God differently, but what matters is that he speaks within us.

  5. Hi,

    Thank you for your support. I agree that we all hear God differently. For me though, I need a church in order to fellowship with like minded people who help and grow each other along their walk with God. But I respect your choice and I am glad that you have that relationship with God, as He is the Author and Finisher of our faith.


  6. Well my understanding is that I am the church and so as every body else so the body of christ is comprised of all of us and not the physical building we call church. The are many misconceptions and traditions, rules within the church structure I think this is what hamper how we see and praise and worship who God is and christ in us.

    1. Hi,

      Thank you for sharing your thoughts and experiences. This forum is for such dynamic people to share, teach and learn from one another.


  7. Thank you this is so true ,seeking the kingdom of God first is important

  8. This is a difficult one, coming from a "religious" church and going to "salvation"churches to get deeper understanding of the word we get judgment that we think we better etc given so many false pastors and the serotype around "new,salvation " churches.Church needs to be centred on God and stop playing church using God's name to vain

    1. Hi,

      That's why the Bible says do not judge. Just because we do things differently does not mean one way is better than the other, it just means that it is my preferred way of doing things. But, because leaving the religious church means going against what your family has known and lived all your life it may be seen as thinking that you are better than. It's a delicate transition that needs to happen.


  9. Insightful story read with much attention. However your advice to know the word FIRST... Before looking for a church is correct in very few cases. When the desire for God is in you... Then you look for a church... Let God lead you not your brains. You fail because as humans, spiritually weak cannot fight or control the things of the spirit. Jermaiah 3 or 2 very 12 - 15 Return to me... I will give you pastors according to my liking...
    It's God who calls and chooses your church. In the good Samaritan story... Jesus, the Good Samaritan found the wounded man there (needy state) provided his need by healing him.. The took the man to the Inn-the church and left him under the care of the innkeeper -the pastor... So dear Manila.. You see the process... It is God who chooses your church not you. You can never discern a good church from a bad one because you are spiritually weak as humans and a person without knowledge of God.
    Also my sister, there's no good or bad church. For every church is a Purpose as designed by God. 1Corinthians 7 or 12 says so.
    So to agree with you... Why you go to church matters. The WHY is what will connect your heart to the church through the pastor. Your salvation will come if you then connect your heart to the WORD preached by the Pastor. You can receive salvation even in a brothel... if you believe the WORD preached by a prostitute... It is us who are bad... Not the church.


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