The Secret of Perfection

What is perfection? What are you willing to do to attain it? Is it a personal standard that you set for yourself or is it determined by social media and what society dictates? At times, we strive for the unattainable in the pursuit of happiness that we forget to enjoy and live in the current moments that we are in. Celebrating the milestones that we achieve and that one item that we get to cross off on our quest to attain what we’ve perceived in our minds as perfection. A moment of contentment and full joy because we’ve attained what is seen as perfection. But perfection doesn’t really exist. There’s no perfect job, no perfect relationship or perfect situation. Everything we go after has its challenges, moments of difficulties and needs persistence and commitment to keep.

That does not mean that you cannot find perfection in moments though. For me it’s the smile on my son’s face or the look in my husband eyes. In that specific moment, I’ve attained perfection. Everything else could be crumbling and going down the drain, to put it mildly, but having the important things and prioritising them, helps me enjoy that glimpse of perfection rather than going around chasing after what others deem as perfect.

In the movie, The Pursuit of Happyness, Will Smith tried his best to build a life for himself and his son so that he can finally be happy. In the end, he gets a job that will pay him enough to take care of himself and his son in the way that he wished he could for many years. That is seen as his final moment of happiness but the truth is that, that same job will come with challenges, and will require compromises and sacrifices that might cost him some of that happiness that he sought after. Like not spending enough time with his son, having to sacrifice the quality of that relationship to attain a promising pay check.

Therefore, my conclusion is that you set the standard for your own happiness. It is a combination of hard work, commitment, persistence, sacrifice and most importantly, protecting, with all your heart, all that you consider important and non-negotiable to you. I’ve worked at the same place, but in different companies for 11 years now. At some point, I went into a deep depression without realising it and, quite literally, stopped living. I had no purpose for my life but to bring home a salary. I sat in the corner of the office behind the door and people would walk in and out, and forget that I am even there. I went home and didn’t even attempt to do anything that might show life. I found no need to cook, clean or even get out of bed. Those little moments when I actually engaged with people at the office, they would tell me that I need to get out of that corner and thrive. I didn’t see myself in the same light and so, I was rotting away.

Once, a friend noticed something very small, or so I thought. She found something that I could help her with and started telling people about it. It changed my whole outlook at what my life could be. It brought a glimmer of hope into my hopelessness and what I thought to be a helpless situation for a very long time. I started editing and proofreading, which re-ignited my love for reading and ultimately writing. I didn’t think anyone would be interested in what I had to say but as I edited people’s books, the authors started convincing me to start writing and that started my journey into seeking perfection.

Whatever you deem as perfection, may it be worth pursuing. Remember, perfection is determined the equilibrium between what is important to you and what you would like to achieve.



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