Epiphanies Of Life

Happy New Year and A Beautiful Year ahead to everyone.

I am so very excited to be starting this new venture of my life. As an Editor and Proofreader, I’ve always loved reading books and I wrote a little poetry when I was younger. I would love to share two pieces of my poetry that stand out in the future… Anyway, my name is Mapula Vilakazi and I am a newly formed blogger. I’ve shared motivational messages on my many social media platforms and I’ve had a very small blog in the past with a total of two posts but this is the very first time that I have committed myself to posting regularly and hopefully, inspiring some of you to start your venture as well.

Epiphanies of Life is my attempt at sharing my “AHA” moments that have really helped shape the person that I am and have given me the courage to step into my shoes as a Blogger. Firstly, a friend was worried that lot of people may not understand what epiphanies are so here goes… an epiphany according the Cambridge dictionary is “a moment when you suddenly feel that you understand, or suddenly become conscious of, something that is very important to you” and during my 32 years of life I’ve had plenty of these moments, as I like to introspect and find the real reason behind my actions. With this blog, I hope to inspire you to have such moments or to actually take moments of reflection and uncover your own epiphanies.

We officially crossed over from 2018 to 2019 about 8 days ago already and as tradition, there is a lot that we have planned for 2019. From doing something in our bucket list, to achieving something in our workplace or business. This things we tend to capture do in the form of resolutions or vision board. I’ve personally tried both methods and have received some positive results from both, while other people prefer one over the other. Resolutions are more of to-do lists taken from the vison board, and the vision board is the big picture, quite literally…. Visions boards help you visualise what it is that you’d like to achieve and resolutions or to-do lists help you plan how you are going to achieve the big picture. Basically, they are both goals… I just choose to use them together.

Example of a vision board:

You take images of the things that you'd like to achieve or possess, like you ideal body goal, your ideal home and the plane is to help you imagine how it would fell to be on a plane for the first time. These help you see where you are going and what achieving your goal would look like.

Example of Resolutions:
  • Lose weight
    • Exercise for 30 minutes, 3 times a week.
  • Buy a home
    • Save money every month towards the deposit.
    • View potential homes.
  •  Travel
    • If you’re like me, get your passport.
    •  Save towards your ideal trip.
    • Set a date.
Resolutions help me to do more than just visualise the life I want to live but to actually plan out how I am going to achieve it.

This was a WhatsApp status post by one of my friends

Vision board parties are nice excuses to come together with your friends and plan the year ahead together. You get refreshments and things you will need to create the vision boards, which are project boards, glue, colour pens, highlighters and magazines. You can share ideas and have your friends share their opinions with you on your board. Also, you and your friends can help each other keep track of the goals you’ve set on the boards; being accountable can be very helpful.

So, as I start with my vision board and resolutions list, I wish you all the best and may we achieve more than we set out for this year.

Thank you for reading this. Kindly share your comments on which you prefer between Resolutions and Vision Boards. Also, please leave comments on topics you'd like me to cover and your thoughts on this post.



  1. Hi Mapula . Congratulations on launching your blog. Looking forward to many AHA moments!

    On your topic, I prefer vision boards... They have worked for me over the years.

    Topic suggestion for future posts :the power of positive affirmations

    1. Hi Unknown,

      Thank you so much for your feedback, I truly appreciate it and look forward to many more interactions.

      I will place your suggestion in my suggestion box.

      Thank you.

  2. Hi Sesi Mapula

    Congratulations on your newly launched blog. I am looking foward to hearing about your epiphanies and perhaps they may help me in finding my own and understanding my path. Here's to a great 2019.

    1. Hi D...

      Thank you so much for your comment and I'm looking forward to having many more interactions in the future.

      To 2019.

    2. Hi sesi Mapula

      Which app do you use to combine the pictures for your vision board? I think I have the pictures that I want on my vision board.

    3. Hi dear,

      I don't use an application I print out my pictures and place them on a chart but for this post I used Microsoft PowerPoint2016 to arrange the images.

      Kind regards,
      Mapula V.

  3. Hi Mapule

    Am excited for you in this knew venture and I cant wait to hear more of those inspiring moments that will help some of us to venture into those dreams that we always thought it was impossible to achieve.

    1. Hi,

      Thank you so much for your encouraging words. Remember: It always seems impossible until it's done.

      Kind regard,
      Mapula V

  4. Hi Mapula congrats on launching this. Will be checking you from time to time.

  5. Replies
    1. Thank you so much Javas... I look forward to more of your comments.

      Kind regards,
      Mapula V.


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