Personal Growth and Self-Acceptance

Late last year, I wrote a letter to my prospective mentor, having lost all hope, I stated all the things I was struggling with and all the challenges I was facing. I sent the letter to my husband for his opinion before sending it out. He looked at it and said, “You already know the problems you have and you have, in so many words, stated the solutions. Mentors help people who help themselves.” I sat back in my chair, completely defeated and wondered, “How can this man say that I have solutions?” I was then forced to investigate and see what exactly he was seeing as the solutions.

My point with this is that we often sit with solutions to our own problems but because we are overwhelmed with what is wrong, we don’t see what is right, even when it’s in clear view. This is when my journey to personal growth and self-acceptance began. For a long time, I depended on others for everything, for answers, direction, appreciation and validation but it was never enough and should someone do something I didn’t like, well then, all hell broke lose. I cut them out of my life, immediately.

During this journey of personal growth, I lost the person I was and started looking forward to who I could become and that all depended on my courage to dream up a new me. I started with identifying and accepting what I was good at, and letting go of what I sucked at. I started embracing my flaws and that helped me in opening up to others, allowing them to see the real me and to choose whether to love the real me or not. If they didn’t, I understood that the fault was not with me and that it was their own personal choice to make. I also started taking that one thing I was good at, editing and proofreading, and using it to help others. Along the way, I battled and lost the real reason why I was doing it but I kept going back to why I started so that I can keep myself in check. 

So, during your journey of personal growth, self-discovery and self-acceptance, realise that you will be challenged immensely but that is only to reveal to who you truly are and to help build your integrity. You will lose those you have known for years, your closest friends and that is okay, because in order to gain who you are, you have to leave those who are holding on to who you were. And finally, a beautiful butterfly will emerge that will be embraced by the world, but most importantly, you will appreciate and exist in your true power, passion and calling.

Good luck and thank you for journeying with me through the first month of 2019.



  1. "If you want to achieve greatness stop asking for permission"Just do it

  2. The only person that can give you a permission to achieve greatness is you nobody else but you.


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