
During this time of time of the year, many of us are dealing with back to work and back to school stresses and we spend a lot of money that we probably should have saved during the festive season to prepare for the year ahead. This can cause a lot of stress and anxiety, and ultimately depression. I was diagnosed with anxiety after I fainted at home during my matric year and with depression about 6 years later. In the years following the diagnosis I went through symptoms similar to those of grief. I was in denial, thinking that the doctors were wrong, I was just tired and it would go away, just like a cold but the symptoms have reoccurred multiple times in the last few years, and I could not deny it anymore. I’ve also been very angry with everyone, mostly God and myself, for even being diagnosed in the first place. In search of a cause I’ve taken out my anger on my family and blamed them for what I was going through. Ultimately, I came to terms with the fact that I do struggle with depression and that not wanting to get out of bed in the morning and pushing away everyone who cares about me only to turn around and cry that no one cares, is not normal. After acceptance came the light that helped me take accountability and control of my life and thoughts. I stepped back and took an honest look at my life. I started taking a look at what made me feel good about myself and figured out what helped me get out of bed and pursuit my passions and that was my faith, fitness and fun.

My Faith
I had to believe that there was more to my life than rotting away in self-pity, guilt and condemnation. I had to remind myself of God what says in His word, “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you; Before you were born I sanctified you…” That brought me back to the realisation that God knew that I would go through these challenges and He knows my way out. So, I served in my local church and learned about speaking the word of God back to Him. In doing so, I found that I not only create with my words but I start to teach my mind to align with the word of God. Also, I met a lot of people within the church who were willing to share their stories of how they overcame their obstacles, and knowing that I was not alone and that others have made it through worse, gave me the strength to stand again in my full truth and use it to help others.

My Fitness
The epiphany I had on my fitness came after years of not exercising, looking at myself in the mirror and being absolutely unhappy with who I had become. The first time I remember that happening was when I was in tertiary. I took a decision then to start working out on my own at least 4 times a week. I did and by the end of the year I looked and felt great. Then, I left school and I went back to my bad habits, because, in all honesty, I was not really eating healthy, I was just exercising. But as you get older your body does not react the same as it did in the past. The latest “aha moment” came late last year, I had the same exact feeling again but this time I wanted things to be different and so I came up with the strategy of starting small and lasting long. So, I will only run 2.5kms, 3 times a week and that way I am less likely to quit anytime soon. This way I allow this to become more of a lifestyle rather than just a temporary habit. I am still in the process of perfecting my healthy lifestyle routine. But working out helps me put things into perspective and gives me the confidence to go after what I really want rather than compromising.

My Fun
Finally, I decided to have fun in the present time with my friends and family, regardless of what needed to be done or what limitations I had. I started with opening up my friend circle and allowing more people into my private space in terms of thoughts. In that way, I attracted people who were positive about life and who were willing to hear me out and also help me out, in terms of my faith and fitness. I also became honest with my family about who I really am and what I like and don’t like. I was also honest about how their actions and words, during the years, have affected me and I found out that they were very understanding, open and supportive. They showed me their point of view on things and we came  to an agreement of how we will handle difficult situations in the future.

I hope this helps you deal with the difficult situations that you are facing right now and the ones that you may face during the duration of the year. Remember, no matter what struggle or challenge you may be facing, the solution is within you. You are well-equipped to handle whatever the world throws at you. Just step back, evaluate the situation and your mind will conceive the solution.

Please share your success stories on how you overcame or are dealing with depression.



  1. Thank you for the refreshing read sesi Mapula. During my saddest of days I leaned on God and relied on him to carry me when it became overwhelming. During those times I learnt the extent and depth of God's love and I think it is what kept me all this time.

    Much love and light. We overcome.

    1. Thank you D for your encouraging words.

      Kind regards,
      Mapula V.

  2. Hi Mapula, Happy New Year to you and your family, I liked the fitness part and am going to commit to the 2.5km run also. # laziness must go

    1. Hi,

      Laziness is another topic I'd like to cover as it steals so much from us and gives the illusion of giving us something back in return.

      I'm supre proud of you for taking up the 2.5kms challenge. I wish you all the best and keep me posted, please.

      Kind regards,
      Mapula V.

  3. So inspiring 💕. We are more than conquerors indeed with Christ on our side!

  4. Indeed we are.

    Thank you Ntokozo.

    Kind regards,
    Mapula V

  5. Hi Mapule
    What an encouraging testimony, I really can relate to her. Last year I really had a break down I couldn't no longer handle work, studies, being a mother and wife it was too much and I didn't know how to handle everything at once. My fear this year is I still haven't find a way on how will I handle that this year. Thank you

  6. Hi,

    I am so glad that you are encouraged. I hope you find your superpower of beating this disease. But for starters, I suggest that you see a Doctor for proper diagnosis and a Psychologist, if required. They will empower you with the necessary information for your specific case that will help you overcome this.

    Kind regards,
    Mapula V

  7. This is so inspiring as so many of us can relate. We often suffer from depression without being aware of it and find ourselves breaking down. It is pieces like this that encourage us to slow down and take a deep look into ourselves and find the courage to silence the negative voices and choose life. Like Jeremiah, He knew us before we were formed in our mothers' wombs. Thanks Mapula

  8. Thank you for your encouraging words.

    I fully agree. Thank you for sharing.

    Kind regards,
    Mapula V

  9. Wow I love the piece Mapula. Its simple, fresh, relatable and very inspiring.
    I like the Fun part more so because I made decisions a little like those myself. Like allowing people into my space more, and giving people a chance more often and being patient when they are not like me hahaha.

    So far its been good

    1. Hi Alicia,

      It's those little decisions that we make that make the most impact.

      I'm glad you enjoyed this post.

      Kind Regards,
      Mapula V.

  10. Thank you so much Malebo.

    Kind Regards,
    Mapula V.

  11. Great piece Mapula, you are an inspiration yazi,

  12. Thank you for sharing, this topic is very relatable and insightful


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