New Year Slump

During this time of the year, some of us still have hope in what the year will bring and we are looking forward to all the good things to come but for others, defeat and hopelessness have crept in. This is said to be expected during the third week of the year, as new year’s resolutions are already broken, the holiday hangover starts to seep in and reality hits on what it will actually entail to achieve all the goals that they’ve set out for this year. But there's hope, as I believe that once you know what the problem is, you can straighten yourself up and start to face the issue head on.

So, how do you get over this slump and ensure that it doesn’t happen again in 2020? Firstly, I suggest taking a mini break from it all, a little bit of time to strategise. Take a moment to reflect on what caused you to end up in this position in the first place. Also, take into account all the self-sabotage habits and mistakes that slowed down your progress. Answer the question, what could I have done differently to ensure different results? Once you’ve answered that question, you will be better equipped to face what is to come. Use this opportunity to realistically look at your goals for 2019 and create an action plan for each goal or resolution. This will help you to set weekly and monthly goals that will contribute towards your overall goals for the year.

Also, realise that there will be setbacks and unplanned events that threaten to take you off-track, and there will be times when you won’t feel like doing what you’ve set out to do. And that’s okay. Just deal with the setback or unplanned event, but always remember to get back into the game by refocusing on your goals and starting off where you left off. If you don’t feel like working on your goals and you lose your passion along the way, create little rewards for each week of achievements. Each time you successfully action your weekly or monthly goals, reward yourself. For example, if your goal is to lose weight and one of the ways in which you plan to do that is by following a strict diet, then allow yourself one cheat day. A day where you don’t have to really watch what you eat but remember not to over-indulge. Once that day is over, you go back to your diet so that you yield the desired results.

Whatever it may be that you need to do to reach your goals, be consistent, persistent and make sure that you enjoy the journey by celebrating every milestone, no matter how small or insignificant it may seem.



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